Grade: F
Mississippi does not have an anti-SLAPP law.
Mississippi SLAPP Stories:
In 1982, the United States Supreme Court ruled that states cannot prohibit the peaceful protest of a political boycott. This ruling followed after a coalition of Black Mississippi citizens launched two boycotts against white businesses in the area. In response, the boycotted merchants filed a lawsuit in Mississippi state court. Despite not being labeled as such at the time, this suit was a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.
A $5 million defamation lawsuit was filed by a Madison County Engineer accusing an unknown party of posting information on an Internet blog.
In the landmark civil rights case NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co., 458 U.S. 886 (1982), a local branch of the NAACP instituted an economic boycott against white merchants in Claiborne County, Mississippi to pressure elected officials to adopt several racial justice measures. In response, the merchants sued the NAACP for tortious interference with business.