CASP: Devin Nunes – California’s SLAPP-Filer-in-Chief

PPP Policy Director, Evan Mascagni, recently wrote a blog post for the California Anti-SLAPP Project on Devin Nunes. Here is an excerpt from that post:

Rarely does one individual so perfectly demonstrate the need for strong anti-SLAPP laws at both the state and federal level, but leave it to California’s own Devin Nunes to be the poster child for the need for strong protections against SLAPPs.  

In 2019 alone, Nunes filed at least six lawsuits against his critics, one of which earned him the “most ridiculous SLAPP lawsuit of the year” award by Protect the Protest.  Nunes has filed so many lawsuits against his critics in the past few years that Washington Post journalist Dana Milbank recently wrote an opinion piece titled “Raise your hand if you have not been sued by Devin Nunes.”  

Read the full post here.