Anti-SLAPP bill to go before Minnesota House committee

From Pioneer Press:

"Keith Mueller is pushing to change a state law to protect someone from being sued for calling the cops.

The law’s current language protecting public participation is too vague and needs to include reporting apparent unlawful conduct to police, he argues.

Mueller’s effort stems from his experience: He was sued by a man whose acts were the subject of a report to police.

“The judiciary struggled to determine if calling police constituted public participation,” Mueller said, referring to the lawsuits against him. “We’re clarifying that to include reports to police, so there won’t be any more confusion.”

The bill will be heard Tuesday morning in the House committee on civil law and data practices, one of several stops it will make before it could reach the House floor. The House version is sponsored by Rep. Kathy Lohmer, R-Lake Elmo. Sen. Karin Housley, R-St. Mary’s Point, is sponsoring the Senate companion bill."

Read more from Elizabeth Mohr at here.